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ccc logoクリエーターの育成、コンテンツ産業の振興及びクリエーターと 地域産業の連携等を推進する拠点として、クリエーター支援センターを整備しました。


・ 入居者育成
・ デジタルハイビジョン制作・編集設備の貸出
・ コンテンツ、コンテンツビジネスの普及啓発
・ セミナー、ワークショップ、研究会の開催
・ クリエーター相互及びクリエーターと他の事業者の交流
・ コンテンツ産業に対する支援
・ クリエーターの創造的活動等に関する情報の収集及び提供

The center for creative communications has been set up as a facility for nurturing creative talent, encouraging content industry development, and promoting collaboration with local industry and businesses.

CCC’s its key words are: Contemporary, Creative, and Communication. Through various events, workshops, and educational activities, introducing wide range of contemporary innovative works in the field of art, science technology, and creative industry, we aim to help activate the collaboration between domestic and overseas creators, and to develop industries in Shizuoka. We hope the visitors to meet, learn and interact with the latest expressions and feel the up to date creative tides here at the center. By supporting creative activities based on the Shizuoka’s unique cultural background and values, we wish to realize a true global communication.

Facility Operations Outline
+ Nurturing Tenant Creatives
+ Digital High Vision Production and Editing
+ Contents Industry Awareness Building
+ Seminars, Workshops, and Training
+ Interaction Between Creatives and Industry
+ Contents Industry Support
+ Providing Information on Creative Activity

〒420-0853 静岡市葵区追手町4-16
TEL.054-205-4750 FAX.054-293-4332

the center for creative communications
4-16 Ote-machi, Aoi-ku; Shizuoka City
420-0853 Japan
TEL.+81(0)54-205-4750 FAX.+81(0)54-293-4332