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2004年12月8日、静岡情報産業協会(松井純会長)が小嶋善吉・静岡市長、石川嘉延・静岡県知事に提出した政策提言書「しずおかコンテンツバレー構想」を受けて、同構想に賛同した有志により2005年4月21日に設立した組織が「しずおかコンテンツバレー推進 コンソーシアム(SCV)」です。

On December 8th 2004, the Shizuoka Information Industry Association (President: Jun Matsui) submitted “Shizuoka Contents Valley Concept” policy proposal to the Shizuoka mayor, Zenkichi Kojima and Shizuoka Prefecture governor, Yoshinobu Ishikawa. The “Shizuoka Contents Valley Consortium” was organized on April 21, 2005, by volunteers who agreed with the submitted concept.
In the same year as the concept was proposed, the law concerning “promotion of creation, protection and application of contents” was established and the contents business suddenly came into the spotlight. And amongst the fierce competition among domestic cities, volunteers set to unfold activities to establish the contents industry as a new competitive industry in Shizuoka. Bringing residents, goverment, companies and educational organizations together, SCV strives in a mission to establish a “Japanese Hollywood in Shizuoka”.
The purpose of the SCV is to build an environment to nurture people who create highly competitive contents work and to develop world-class creatives. It is a challenge that runs a long span, looking at five years or even ten years ahead. In November 30, 2007, SCV became an NPO, in a expectation for further expansion.