“Tokaido Community Wall Project” at Kambara (“LADY GO ! AIKO×EDO Girls Collection” Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshige Museum of Art Related Event)
公開中:2018年4月5日(木)~ 場所:bloom by 3rdplace/ブルーム バイ サードプレイス敷地内壁 (静岡市清水区蒲原新田1丁目15−23) 主催: 静岡市東海道広重美術館 (指定管理者:特定非営利活動法人ヘキサプロジェクト) 協力・協賛 静岡市立蒲原東小学校、静岡市立蒲原西小学校、bloom by 3rdplace、駿河重機建設株式会社、株式会社さくら不動産 ワークショップ企画:NPO Hexaproject
『東海道コミュニティ・ウォール・プロジェクト』 -広重の「東海道五十三次 」の宿場を起点に、現代へと繋ぐストリートアーティストと辿る東海道の旅- 『東海道コミュニティ・ウォール・プロジェクト』は、アーティストと地域のすべての人たち(さまざまな生きづらさや孤立を抱えている人たち含む)に、アー トを通じた体験の機会を提供するプロジェクトです。かつては東西の交通の要であった東海道の各宿場を地域資源として、人々がアートを介して交流す ることにより、アートと社会の双方を結ぶ「ともに生きるかたち」持続可能な社会を目指します。将来的には同プログラムを展開しながら東海道の二峠六 宿をつなぐことにより、人々の歴史・文化への関心を高めたり、ひいては町の賑わいや地域アイデンティティの確立を目指したいと思います。 企画:NPO Hexaproject[:en]A Mural workshop by the street artist AIKO with local children.
Date:It’s opened in public from April 5(Thu.) Place: “bloom by 3rdplace” 1-15-23, Kambarashinden Shimizu, Shizuoka City Organized by Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshige Museum of Art (Designated Manager: NPO Hexaproject) Co-sponsored by "bloom by 3rdplace", Suruga Juuki Co.,Ltd., Sakura real estate Co,. Ltd. In cooperation with Shizuoka City Kanbara-HIgashi primary school,Shizuoka City Kanbara-Nishi primary school, Leaning programme planned by NPO Hexaproject
"Tokaido Community Wall Project" - A journey through the post towns in "Fifty-three stations of the Tokaido" by Hiroshige with street artists leading to the present day - "Tokaido Community Wall Project" is a project working with artists to create opportunities for experiences through art to all people, including people who are isolated themselves from the society or having some issues in their lives in the communities. In the past, each post town on Tokaido was located as the important traffic points to connect east and west. We bring it as regional resources for connecting with people through art, and aim for a sustainable society where the art and society are "Living Together" within a community. We also aim to build up the regional identity and a vibrant community, and to increase people's interest in history and culture through 6-post town and 2-pass on Tokaido by developing this project in the future. Planning by NPO Hexaproject[:]
公開中:2018年4月5日(木)~ 場所:bloom by 3rdplace/ブルーム バイ サードプレイス敷地内壁 (静岡市清水区蒲原新田1丁目15−23) 主催: 静岡市東海道広重美術館 (指定管理者:特定非営利活動法人ヘキサプロジェクト) 協力・協賛 静岡市立蒲原東小学校、静岡市立蒲原西小学校、bloom by 3rdplace、駿河重機建設株式会社、株式会社さくら不動産 ワークショップ企画:NPO Hexaproject
『東海道コミュニティ・ウォール・プロジェクト』 -広重の「東海道五十三次 」の宿場を起点に、現代へと繋ぐストリートアーティストと辿る東海道の旅- 『東海道コミュニティ・ウォール・プロジェクト』は、アーティストと地域のすべての人たち(さまざまな生きづらさや孤立を抱えている人たち含む)に、アー トを通じた体験の機会を提供するプロジェクトです。かつては東西の交通の要であった東海道の各宿場を地域資源として、人々がアートを介して交流す ることにより、アートと社会の双方を結ぶ「ともに生きるかたち」持続可能な社会を目指します。将来的には同プログラムを展開しながら東海道の二峠六 宿をつなぐことにより、人々の歴史・文化への関心を高めたり、ひいては町の賑わいや地域アイデンティティの確立を目指したいと思います。 企画:NPO Hexaproject[:en]A Mural workshop by the street artist AIKO with local children.
Date:It’s opened in public from April 5(Thu.) Place: “bloom by 3rdplace” 1-15-23, Kambarashinden Shimizu, Shizuoka City Organized by Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshige Museum of Art (Designated Manager: NPO Hexaproject) Co-sponsored by "bloom by 3rdplace", Suruga Juuki Co.,Ltd., Sakura real estate Co,. Ltd. In cooperation with Shizuoka City Kanbara-HIgashi primary school,Shizuoka City Kanbara-Nishi primary school, Leaning programme planned by NPO Hexaproject
"Tokaido Community Wall Project" - A journey through the post towns in "Fifty-three stations of the Tokaido" by Hiroshige with street artists leading to the present day - "Tokaido Community Wall Project" is a project working with artists to create opportunities for experiences through art to all people, including people who are isolated themselves from the society or having some issues in their lives in the communities. In the past, each post town on Tokaido was located as the important traffic points to connect east and west. We bring it as regional resources for connecting with people through art, and aim for a sustainable society where the art and society are "Living Together" within a community. We also aim to build up the regional identity and a vibrant community, and to increase people's interest in history and culture through 6-post town and 2-pass on Tokaido by developing this project in the future. Planning by NPO Hexaproject[:]
LADY GO ! AIKO×EDO Girls Collection
関連企画 関連企画1 東海道コミュニティウォール・プロジェクト・蒲原 AIKOと地元の子どもたちによる壁画ワークショップの作品を展示します。 公開:2018年4月5日(木)〜 場所:bloom by 3rdplace/ブルーム バイ サードプレイス敷地内壁(静岡市清水区蒲原新田1丁目15−23) 協力・協賛 bloom by 3rdplace、駿河重機建設株式会社、株式会社さくら不動産
関連企画2 AIKOアーティストトーク 講師: AIKO 日時:5月3日(木・祝)13:00-14:00 参加費:無料※入館料別途 当日当館2F講座室にお集まりください。 (申し込み不要・定員制限無)
関連企画3 浮世絵版画の実演&摺り体験ワークショップ 江戸時代の技法を今に継承する公益財団法人アダチ伝統木版画技術保存財団による、浮世絵版画制作の 実演と体験ワークショップ。お子さまから大人まで参加いただけます。 講 師:公益財団法人アダチ伝統木版画技術保存財団 日 時:2018年5月3日(木・祝)午前の部11:00-12:30/午後の部14:00-15:30 参加費:無料 ※入館料別途 定員(摺り体験):各部15名(要事前申し込み) 申し込み:WEBサイト・電話(054-375-4454)にて申し込み(先着順 ※定員になり次第受付を終了します) ※当日は桜えびまつりのため周辺道路の混雑が予想されます。公共交通機関でのご来館にご協力をお願いいたします。
展示室1:「江戸ガールズコレクション 」 展示室2:「AIKOのストリートアートと世界の旅」
会期:2018年4月3日(火)-2018年6月3日(日) Part1:4月3日(火)-4月30日(月) Part2:5月2日(水)-6月3日(日) 会場:静岡市東海道広重美術館 主催: 静岡市東海道広重美術館 (指定管理者:特定非営利活動法人ヘキサプロジェクト) 協力: 公益財団法人アダチ伝統木版画技術保存財団 展覧会企画(プロデュース/キュレーション):NPOヘキサプロジェクト ポスター・フライヤーデザイン:株式会社ヘキサプロジェクト ウェブデザイン:株式会社ヘキサプロジェクト[:en]Hiroshige Museum of Art meets globally active street artist, AIKO, for the first collaboration ever! A collection of works representing the unique world of contemporary Eshi, AIKO, and Ukiyo-e that feature women depicted by Utagawa-style Eshi including Hiroshige, Toyokuni III, and Kuniyoshi will be featured at this exhibition. Highlighted works we may feel casually familiar with include a giant wall art by AIKO exhibited for the first time in Japan, “America no Yume (American Dream)”, which is created with techniques of Ukiyo-e Hanga, and Edo girls fashion that appear in Ukiyo-e of the Tōkaidō and Kabuki. We hope you enjoy the world of “Girls” loved by many generations of the Edo period to today.
Related Event 1 “Tokaido Community Wall Project” at Kambara Date:It’s opened in public from April 5(Thu.) A Mural workshop by the artist AIKO with local children. Place: “bloom by 3rdplace” 1-15-23, Kambarashinden Shimizu, Shizuoka City Co-sponsored by bloom by 3rdplace, Suruga Juuki Co.,Ltd., Sakura real estate Co,. Ltd.
Related Event 2 AIKO: Artist Talk Date: May 3 (Thu. / Holiday) 2018, 13:00 - 14:00 Admission: Free *museum entrance fee is required. Meeting place is the lecture room on 2nd floor. No pre-registration needed; unlimited enrolment
Related Event 3 Ukiyo-e Demonstrations & Workshops Demonstrations and workshops by The Adachi Foundation for the Preservation of Woodcut Printing who continue the Edo-period techniques of woodcut printing. All ages are welcome to participate. Presenter: The Adachi Foundation for the Preservation of Woodcut Printing Date: May 3 (Thu. / Holiday) 2018 ; Morning / 11:00 - 12:30, Afternoon / 14:00- 15:30 Admission: Free *museum entrance fee is required Registration: Applications accepted by telephone(054-375-4454) or through our website. Printing workshop spaces are limited to the first 15 people (pre-registration recommended). Registration will close once all spaces are filled.
Room1:EDO Girls Collection Room2:AIKO’s Street Art Traveling
April 4(Mon.) – June 3(Sun.) 2018 Part1: April 2(Mon.) - April 30(Mon.) Part2: May 2(Wed.) – June 3(Sun.)
Venue : Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshige Museum of Art Organizer : Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshige Museum of Art (designated administrator NPO Hexaproject) Cooperation: The Adachi Foundation for the Preservation of Woodcut Printing Exhibition planning (producing/curation) : NPO Hexaproject Poster & flyer design : Hexaproject Ltd. Web design : Hexaproject.Ltd.[:]
関連企画 関連企画1 東海道コミュニティウォール・プロジェクト・蒲原 AIKOと地元の子どもたちによる壁画ワークショップの作品を展示します。 公開:2018年4月5日(木)〜 場所:bloom by 3rdplace/ブルーム バイ サードプレイス敷地内壁(静岡市清水区蒲原新田1丁目15−23) 協力・協賛 bloom by 3rdplace、駿河重機建設株式会社、株式会社さくら不動産
関連企画2 AIKOアーティストトーク 講師: AIKO 日時:5月3日(木・祝)13:00-14:00 参加費:無料※入館料別途 当日当館2F講座室にお集まりください。 (申し込み不要・定員制限無)
関連企画3 浮世絵版画の実演&摺り体験ワークショップ 江戸時代の技法を今に継承する公益財団法人アダチ伝統木版画技術保存財団による、浮世絵版画制作の 実演と体験ワークショップ。お子さまから大人まで参加いただけます。 講 師:公益財団法人アダチ伝統木版画技術保存財団 日 時:2018年5月3日(木・祝)午前の部11:00-12:30/午後の部14:00-15:30 参加費:無料 ※入館料別途 定員(摺り体験):各部15名(要事前申し込み) 申し込み:WEBサイト・電話(054-375-4454)にて申し込み(先着順 ※定員になり次第受付を終了します) ※当日は桜えびまつりのため周辺道路の混雑が予想されます。公共交通機関でのご来館にご協力をお願いいたします。
展示室1:「江戸ガールズコレクション 」 展示室2:「AIKOのストリートアートと世界の旅」
会期:2018年4月3日(火)-2018年6月3日(日) Part1:4月3日(火)-4月30日(月) Part2:5月2日(水)-6月3日(日) 会場:静岡市東海道広重美術館 主催: 静岡市東海道広重美術館 (指定管理者:特定非営利活動法人ヘキサプロジェクト) 協力: 公益財団法人アダチ伝統木版画技術保存財団 展覧会企画(プロデュース/キュレーション):NPOヘキサプロジェクト ポスター・フライヤーデザイン:株式会社ヘキサプロジェクト ウェブデザイン:株式会社ヘキサプロジェクト[:en]Hiroshige Museum of Art meets globally active street artist, AIKO, for the first collaboration ever! A collection of works representing the unique world of contemporary Eshi, AIKO, and Ukiyo-e that feature women depicted by Utagawa-style Eshi including Hiroshige, Toyokuni III, and Kuniyoshi will be featured at this exhibition. Highlighted works we may feel casually familiar with include a giant wall art by AIKO exhibited for the first time in Japan, “America no Yume (American Dream)”, which is created with techniques of Ukiyo-e Hanga, and Edo girls fashion that appear in Ukiyo-e of the Tōkaidō and Kabuki. We hope you enjoy the world of “Girls” loved by many generations of the Edo period to today.
Related Event 1 “Tokaido Community Wall Project” at Kambara Date:It’s opened in public from April 5(Thu.) A Mural workshop by the artist AIKO with local children. Place: “bloom by 3rdplace” 1-15-23, Kambarashinden Shimizu, Shizuoka City Co-sponsored by bloom by 3rdplace, Suruga Juuki Co.,Ltd., Sakura real estate Co,. Ltd.
Related Event 2 AIKO: Artist Talk Date: May 3 (Thu. / Holiday) 2018, 13:00 - 14:00 Admission: Free *museum entrance fee is required. Meeting place is the lecture room on 2nd floor. No pre-registration needed; unlimited enrolment
Related Event 3 Ukiyo-e Demonstrations & Workshops Demonstrations and workshops by The Adachi Foundation for the Preservation of Woodcut Printing who continue the Edo-period techniques of woodcut printing. All ages are welcome to participate. Presenter: The Adachi Foundation for the Preservation of Woodcut Printing Date: May 3 (Thu. / Holiday) 2018 ; Morning / 11:00 - 12:30, Afternoon / 14:00- 15:30 Admission: Free *museum entrance fee is required Registration: Applications accepted by telephone(054-375-4454) or through our website. Printing workshop spaces are limited to the first 15 people (pre-registration recommended). Registration will close once all spaces are filled.
Room1:EDO Girls Collection Room2:AIKO’s Street Art Traveling
April 4(Mon.) – June 3(Sun.) 2018 Part1: April 2(Mon.) - April 30(Mon.) Part2: May 2(Wed.) – June 3(Sun.)
Venue : Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshige Museum of Art Organizer : Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshige Museum of Art (designated administrator NPO Hexaproject) Cooperation: The Adachi Foundation for the Preservation of Woodcut Printing Exhibition planning (producing/curation) : NPO Hexaproject Poster & flyer design : Hexaproject Ltd. Web design : Hexaproject.Ltd.[:]
Shizuoka Prefectural Board of Education, Overseas Internship for High School Students (Art) 2017
実施内容: 実施前研修 2018年2月11 日(日)静岡県庁 国内研修 2018年3月10 日(土)静岡市東海道広重美術館 海外研修 2018年3月21 日(水)-25(日)シンガポール 参加者:高校生11名(17-18才) 研修プログラム企画:NPO Hexaproject
訪問先: SOTA (School of the Arts Singapore) Mis.Grace Tan (artist/.kwodren) Art Sicence Museum LASALLE College of the Arts Mis.Alecia Neo(artist) STPI (Singapore Tyler Print Institute) Mr.Ono & Mis. Kagoshima(Vivid Creations Pte Ltd) Mr.Alvin Tan(Phunk studio/BLACK Design) Mr.Sueo Mizuma(Mizuma Gallery Singapore) NTU CCA Singapore (The NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore) SAM at 8Q(Singapore Art Museum)[:en]Purpose: Through having high school students visit foreign workplaces and art schools, Shizuoka Prefectural Board of Education encourages them to feel charm and potential of the work related to art, open a field of vision for art management and other associated industries, and raises their awareness of playing an active role in those fields in the future.
Organizer:Shizuoka Prefectural Board of Education
Enforcement contents: The previous training:February 11th 2018 ,Shizuoka prefectural office The domestic training: March 10th 2018 , Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshige Museum of Art The overseas training:March 21st - 25th 2018 , Singapore participant: 11 students(17-18years) Learning programme : NPO Hexaproject
visiting place: SOTA (School of the Arts Singapore) Mis.Grace Tan (artist/.kwodren) Art Sicence Museum LASALLE College of the Arts Mis.Alecia Neo(artist) STPI (Singapore Tyler Print Institute) Mr.Ono & Mis. Kagoshima(Vivid Creations Pte Ltd) Mr.Alvin Tan(Phunk studio/BLACK Design) Mr.Sueo Mizuma(Mizuma Gallery Singapore) NTU CCA Singapore (The NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore) SAM at 8Q(Singapore Art Museum)[:]
実施内容: 実施前研修 2018年2月11 日(日)静岡県庁 国内研修 2018年3月10 日(土)静岡市東海道広重美術館 海外研修 2018年3月21 日(水)-25(日)シンガポール 参加者:高校生11名(17-18才) 研修プログラム企画:NPO Hexaproject
訪問先: SOTA (School of the Arts Singapore) Mis.Grace Tan (artist/.kwodren) Art Sicence Museum LASALLE College of the Arts Mis.Alecia Neo(artist) STPI (Singapore Tyler Print Institute) Mr.Ono & Mis. Kagoshima(Vivid Creations Pte Ltd) Mr.Alvin Tan(Phunk studio/BLACK Design) Mr.Sueo Mizuma(Mizuma Gallery Singapore) NTU CCA Singapore (The NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore) SAM at 8Q(Singapore Art Museum)[:en]Purpose: Through having high school students visit foreign workplaces and art schools, Shizuoka Prefectural Board of Education encourages them to feel charm and potential of the work related to art, open a field of vision for art management and other associated industries, and raises their awareness of playing an active role in those fields in the future.
Organizer:Shizuoka Prefectural Board of Education
Enforcement contents: The previous training:February 11th 2018 ,Shizuoka prefectural office The domestic training: March 10th 2018 , Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshige Museum of Art The overseas training:March 21st - 25th 2018 , Singapore participant: 11 students(17-18years) Learning programme : NPO Hexaproject
visiting place: SOTA (School of the Arts Singapore) Mis.Grace Tan (artist/.kwodren) Art Sicence Museum LASALLE College of the Arts Mis.Alecia Neo(artist) STPI (Singapore Tyler Print Institute) Mr.Ono & Mis. Kagoshima(Vivid Creations Pte Ltd) Mr.Alvin Tan(Phunk studio/BLACK Design) Mr.Sueo Mizuma(Mizuma Gallery Singapore) NTU CCA Singapore (The NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore) SAM at 8Q(Singapore Art Museum)[:]
Grace Tan “Material Workshop”
ワークショップ企画:NPO Hexaproject[:en]20 January 2018 14:00-15:00
Venue: Pola Museum Annex
Admission fee: No charge
Learning programme : NPO Hexaproject[:]
SOTA (SCHOOL OF THE ARTS SINGAPORE) overseas training programme / workshop 2017
[:ja]日程: 2017年 10月 24日(火)- 25日(水)
参加者:SOTA (School of the Arts Singapore)ビジュアルアート専攻学生10名(15才)
主 催:SOTA (School of the Arts Singapore)
協力:静岡市地域産業課、静岡市立芹沢銈介美術館、静岡市東海道広重美術館、静岡県立美術館、駿府匠宿、茶道裏千家淡交会静岡支部、公益財団法人 アダチ伝統木版画技術保存財団
プログラム概要: このプログラムは日本のものづくり文化への関心を深めてもらうことを目的としています。主に海外の人々に向けた活動として、2011年にロンドン(V&A)からスタートしました。以降、江戸時代の浮世絵、陶芸、漆塗り、染物などの伝統的な技術を現代に表現するアーティストやデザイナーと一緒に活動しています。
SOTAについて 学校名: School of the Arts Singapore( SOTA) シンガポール初の国立高等芸術専門学校として、6年間の優れた総合的な芸術と 13~ 18歳の青少年のための教育カリキュラムを提供し、全分野の芸術家や創造的専門家になる次世代を育てることに邁進している。[:en]Schedule: 24-25 October 2017 participant: SOTA year 5, 10 visual art major students (15 years old) Venue: Shizuoka City,Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School Organizer: SOTA (SCHOOL OF THE ARTS SINGAPORE) Cooperation: Shizuoka City Regional Industrial Division, Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School ,Shizuoka City Serizawa Keisuke Art Museum, Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshima Museum of Art, Shizuoka Prefecture Museum of Art ,Sunpu Takumi-syuku,Chado Urasenke Tankokai Shizuoka Association,The Adachi Foundation for the Preservation of Woodcut Printing Workshop planning (learning programme) and a coordination: Non-profit organisation Hexaproject
Programme summary: This programme is aimed to raise awareness of Japanese crafts culture. Mainly as activities aimed at people overseas. We first started the project at V&A, London in 2011, since then we have been working with craftsmen, artists and designers who carry on traditional technic to express at the present day such as Ukiyo-e (Edo period), ceramic, Japanese lacquer and dyeing.
About SOTA (SCHOOL OF THE ARTS SINGAPORE ) The School of the Arts (SOTA) is Singapore’s first national pre-tertiary specialised arts school with a six-year integrated arts and academic curriculum, leading to the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma or Career-related Programme, for youths aged 13 -18 years old. With a vision to shape and impact society through an education in the arts, SOTA aims to identify and groom future generations of artists,creative professionals to be leaders in all fields, and to be patrons and supporters of the arts.[:]
プログラム概要: このプログラムは日本のものづくり文化への関心を深めてもらうことを目的としています。主に海外の人々に向けた活動として、2011年にロンドン(V&A)からスタートしました。以降、江戸時代の浮世絵、陶芸、漆塗り、染物などの伝統的な技術を現代に表現するアーティストやデザイナーと一緒に活動しています。
SOTAについて 学校名: School of the Arts Singapore( SOTA) シンガポール初の国立高等芸術専門学校として、6年間の優れた総合的な芸術と 13~ 18歳の青少年のための教育カリキュラムを提供し、全分野の芸術家や創造的専門家になる次世代を育てることに邁進している。[:en]Schedule: 24-25 October 2017 participant: SOTA year 5, 10 visual art major students (15 years old) Venue: Shizuoka City,Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School Organizer: SOTA (SCHOOL OF THE ARTS SINGAPORE) Cooperation: Shizuoka City Regional Industrial Division, Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School ,Shizuoka City Serizawa Keisuke Art Museum, Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshima Museum of Art, Shizuoka Prefecture Museum of Art ,Sunpu Takumi-syuku,Chado Urasenke Tankokai Shizuoka Association,The Adachi Foundation for the Preservation of Woodcut Printing Workshop planning (learning programme) and a coordination: Non-profit organisation Hexaproject
Programme summary: This programme is aimed to raise awareness of Japanese crafts culture. Mainly as activities aimed at people overseas. We first started the project at V&A, London in 2011, since then we have been working with craftsmen, artists and designers who carry on traditional technic to express at the present day such as Ukiyo-e (Edo period), ceramic, Japanese lacquer and dyeing.
About SOTA (SCHOOL OF THE ARTS SINGAPORE ) The School of the Arts (SOTA) is Singapore’s first national pre-tertiary specialised arts school with a six-year integrated arts and academic curriculum, leading to the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma or Career-related Programme, for youths aged 13 -18 years old. With a vision to shape and impact society through an education in the arts, SOTA aims to identify and groom future generations of artists,creative professionals to be leaders in all fields, and to be patrons and supporters of the arts.[:]
Shizuoka prefectural Shimizu south high school x School of the Arts Singapore, School Exchange Workshop ”Re-Imaging Landscapes”
[:ja]日 時:2016年10月26日(火)13:25 - 15:45
参加者:16名(静岡県立清水南高等学校美術専攻1年生)、10名(SOTA/School of the Arts Singapore)合計26名
会場:静岡県立清水南高等学校 (静岡県静岡市清水区折戸3丁目2-1)
講 師:静岡市東海道広重美術館 学芸員
展覧会:2016年11月8日(火)- 30日(水)
この6つの作品は、清水南高校とSOTA の学生が静岡市内にある東海道の六宿の風景を表現したものです。
歌川広重の『東海道五拾三次之内』(通称保永堂版東海道)の浮世絵をもとに、登場人物や日常の写真などを立体的にコラージュ(貼り絵)し、それぞれの文化を意識した不思議な光景を作り上げました。[:en]Date: 26 October 2016 13:25 – 16:00
Participant: 16 students (Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School) and 10 students (SOTA) [ total of 26 ]
Venue: Shizuoka prefectural Shimizu south high school (3-2-1, Orido, Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka-ken)
Cooperation: Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School
Workshop planning (learning programme) and a coordination: Non-profit organisation Hexaproject
Lecturer: Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshima Museum of Art, Curator
Related Exhibition:8 - 30 Nov.2016
Venue: Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshima Museum of Art
Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshige Museum of Art is focusing on student workshops to introduce the importance of Ukiyo-e print to young people in Japan and abroad.
The workshop has been organised annually for the students who are studying art in Japan and Singapore. It took place at Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School this year.
In the workshops, students who have different culture in Asia will share time by working together and also, will exchange & develop their idea to come up with something new that will be an inspiration in their future. We are hoping it will also lead to the network between the students even after the workshop.
The 6 works show new landscape of 6 stages of Tokaido Road in Shizuoka City, created by the students from Shimizu Minami High School and School of the Arts Singapore. It's a 3D collage work based on the Ukiyo-e prints - "The Fifty-three Stations of Tokaido Toad" by Hiroshige Utagawa and using characters & images of daily life in modern time. It made up a magical scenery by the students' awareness of their background.[:]
SOTA (SCHOOL OF THE ARTS SINGAPORE) overseas training programme / workshop 2016
[:ja]日程: 2016年 10月 25日(火)- 26日(水)
参加者:SOTA (School of the Arts Singapore)ビジュアルアート専攻学生10名(15才)
主 催:SOTA (School of the Arts Singapore)
協力:静岡市地域産業課、静岡県立清水南高等学校、静岡市立芹沢銈介美術館、静岡市東海道広重美術館、駿府匠宿、公益財団法人 アダチ伝統木版画技術保存財団
学校名: School of the Arts Singapore( SOTA)
約5年前から設立。シンガポール初の国立高等芸術専門学校として、6年間の優れた総合的な芸術と 13~ 18歳の青少年のための教育カリキュラムを提供し、全分野の芸術家や創造的専門家になる次世代を育てることに邁進している。[:en]Schedule: 25-26 October 2016
participant: SOTA year 5, 10 visual art major students (15 years old)
Venue: Shizuoka City,Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School
Cooperation: Shizuoka City Regional Industrial Division, Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School ,Shizuoka City Serizawa Keisuke Art Museum, Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshima Museum of Art, Sunpu Takumi-syuku,The Adachi Foundation for the Preservation of Woodcut Printing
Workshop planning (learning programme) and a coordination: Non-profit organisation Hexaproject
Programme summary:
This programme is aimed to raise awareness of Japanese crafts culture. Mainly as activities aimed at people overseas. We first started the project at V&A, London in 2011, since then we have been working with craftsmen, artists and designers who carry on traditional technic to express at the present day such as Ukiyo-e (Edo period), Hariko (Papier-mache), ceramic, Japanese lacquer and dyeing.
The School of the Arts (SOTA) is Singapore’s first national pre-tertiary specialised arts school with a six-year integrated arts and academic curriculum, leading to the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma or Career-related Programme, for youths aged 13 -18 years old.
With a vision to shape and impact society through an education in the arts, SOTA aims to identify and groom future generations of artists,creative professionals to be leaders in all fields, and to be patrons and supporters of the arts.
SOTA Masterclass (Workshop) “Making an object using Denguri-papers (Honeycomb papers)”
[:ja]日 時:2016年4月6日(水)14:45−18:15
4月7日(木) 8:15-11:45
参加者:15名(Year 3 students/ 15才)
講 師:岡本光市
アーティスト・トーク『 アート・ミーツ・デザイン』
日 時:2016年4月7日(木)17:00-18:00
講 師:岡本光市
NPO Hexaproject(Non Profit Organization Hexaproject)は、2016年4月6日ー7日に、シンガポールのSOTA(School of the Arts)にて、日本の伝統的な技術を活かした現代のプロダクト・デザイナーによるトーク・ワークショップを行います。
学校名: School of the Arts Singapore( SOTA)
約5年前から設立。シンガポール初の国立高等芸術専門学校として、6年間の優れた総合的な芸術と 13~ 18歳の青少年のための教育カリキュラムを提供し、全分野の芸術家や創造的専門家になる次世代を育てることに邁進している。[:en]Date: Over 2 days 6 and 7 April
6 April, Wed, 14.45-18.15
7 April, Thur, 8.15 -11.45
Participants: 15 Year 3 students (15 years old)
Workshop planning (learning programme) and a coordination: Non-profit organisation Hexaproject
Lecturer: Kouichi Okamoto
NPO Hexaproject (Non-profit Organization) is holding a talk and a workshop with the contemporary product designer who utilizes the Japanese traditional technic at SOTA (School of the Arts) in Singapore on 6th & 7th April 2016.
This programme is themed "Connect Japanese culture with 'Now' ", and is structured to suggest a hint for creating new things but still following a good old Japanese tradition. Mainly as activities aimed at people overseas. We first started the project at V&A, London in 2011, since then we have been working with craftsmen, artists and designers who carry on traditional technic to express at the present day such as Ukiyo-e (Edo period), Hariko (Papier-mache), ceramic, Japanese lacquer and dyeing.
Course contents:
A new attempt to introduce the fusion of traditional crafts and contemporary design, the fusion of art and design. This workshop is designed to learn, experience the advanced design and sensibility.
Target : Designers or students who are fascinated by the traditional crafts, and want to make use of their own idea and design to work.
Artist Talk ”Art meets Design"
Date: 7 April 17:00-18:00
Participants: 240 SOTA students
Learning programme and a coordination: Non-profit organisation Hexaproject
Lecturer: Kouichi Okamoto
Kouichi Okamoto have become synonymous as fusion artists who can freely cross the boundary between design and art. While he has worked in product design creating functional objects, he has been involved in music and sound projects and his practices have started leaning towards the pursuit of creative expression in the field of art.
Bridging the gap between the two distinct domains, their work has been displayed in a number of institutions. Okamoto has exhibited at the V&A London as part of London Design Week 2012 and 2014.
In this special talk, Okamoto will discuss the reason behind their move beyond the design parameters of utilitarian products, reflecting on his own experiences within the creative industry. He will also expand on the differences in practice, approach and mindset between design and art, and how this unique aspect of visual arts integration will evolve in the future.
The School of the Arts (SOTA) is Singapore’s first national pre-tertiary specialised arts school with a six-year integrated arts and academic curriculum, leading to the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma or Career-related Programme, for youths aged 13 -18 years old.
With a vision to shape and impact society through an education in the arts, SOTA aims to identify and groom future generations of artists,creative professionals to be leaders in all fields, and to be patrons and supporters of the arts.[:]
Kids Animation Workshop “Sweet Animation”
日時:2015年12月26日(土) 10:00~16:30 対象: 静岡市内の小学校1年・2年生 定員:10名 会場 : 静岡市クリエーター支援センター(CCC) 主催:静岡市クリエーター支援センター(CCC) ワークショップ企画(ラーニングプログラム):特定非営利活動法人ヘキサプロジェクト フライヤーデザイン:株式会社ヘキサプロジェクト ウェブデザイン:株式会社ヘキサプロジェクト 講師:小林ミキ(アニメーション作家) 参加費 : 500円 持ち物:お弁当・水筒
関連企画 タイトル:展覧会「おかしでアニメーションをつくろう!」 日 時:2016年1月18日(月)-2月13日(土) 会 場 : 静岡市クリエーター支援センター(CCC) 入場料 : 無料[:en]Back again for the 8th time this winter break season, the CCC Kids Animation Workshop fosters the joy of animation-making and challenges children' creative skills with everyday items of candy, a digital camera and computer. It'll be one day of friends, fun and sweet memories. All participating children will receive a DVD of their animation work.
Date: 26 December 2015 10:00 - 16:30 Who: 10 children living in Shizuoka City (Elementary 1st or 2nd year) Venue: the centre for creative communications 3F Organiser: the center for creative communications (CCC) Workshop planning (learning programme): Non-profit organization Hexaproject flyer design: Hexaproject.Ltd. Web design: Hexaproject.Ltd. Instructor: Miki Kobayashi (animation director) Fee : 500 yen Property: Lunch and a water bottle
Related event Title: “Sweet Animation” Exhibition Date: 18 January - 13 February 2016 Venue: the centre for creative communications 1F Admission: free[:zh]今年还举办了CCC儿童创意教室“儿童动画作坊”到冬歇期。在这个“动画工作坊的儿童”,而用糖果玩体验制作动画,创意的乐趣第八,是培养表达能力的程序。 让使用数码相机和糖果制作动画!完成的工作是,在DVD,赠送给与会的每一个人!
日期:2015年,2008年12月26日(星期六)10:00至16:30 目标:静冈市一年级,二年级 容量:10人 地点 : the centre for creative communications 3F 赞助:the centre for creative communications (CCC) 车间规划(学习计划):Non-profit organization Hexaproject 宣傳單張设计:Hexaproject.Ltd. 网页设计:Hexaproject.Ltd. 讲师:Miki Kobayashi (动漫作家) 门票 : 500日元 带来什么:饭盒,水壶
相关活动 标题:“让我们把动画中的糖果!”展 一天时间:2016年1月18日(星期一) - 2月13日(星期六) 地点 : the centre for creative communications (CCC) 门票 : 免费[:]
日時:2015年12月26日(土) 10:00~16:30 対象: 静岡市内の小学校1年・2年生 定員:10名 会場 : 静岡市クリエーター支援センター(CCC) 主催:静岡市クリエーター支援センター(CCC) ワークショップ企画(ラーニングプログラム):特定非営利活動法人ヘキサプロジェクト フライヤーデザイン:株式会社ヘキサプロジェクト ウェブデザイン:株式会社ヘキサプロジェクト 講師:小林ミキ(アニメーション作家) 参加費 : 500円 持ち物:お弁当・水筒
関連企画 タイトル:展覧会「おかしでアニメーションをつくろう!」 日 時:2016年1月18日(月)-2月13日(土) 会 場 : 静岡市クリエーター支援センター(CCC) 入場料 : 無料[:en]Back again for the 8th time this winter break season, the CCC Kids Animation Workshop fosters the joy of animation-making and challenges children' creative skills with everyday items of candy, a digital camera and computer. It'll be one day of friends, fun and sweet memories. All participating children will receive a DVD of their animation work.
Date: 26 December 2015 10:00 - 16:30 Who: 10 children living in Shizuoka City (Elementary 1st or 2nd year) Venue: the centre for creative communications 3F Organiser: the center for creative communications (CCC) Workshop planning (learning programme): Non-profit organization Hexaproject flyer design: Hexaproject.Ltd. Web design: Hexaproject.Ltd. Instructor: Miki Kobayashi (animation director) Fee : 500 yen Property: Lunch and a water bottle
Related event Title: “Sweet Animation” Exhibition Date: 18 January - 13 February 2016 Venue: the centre for creative communications 1F Admission: free[:zh]今年还举办了CCC儿童创意教室“儿童动画作坊”到冬歇期。在这个“动画工作坊的儿童”,而用糖果玩体验制作动画,创意的乐趣第八,是培养表达能力的程序。 让使用数码相机和糖果制作动画!完成的工作是,在DVD,赠送给与会的每一个人!
日期:2015年,2008年12月26日(星期六)10:00至16:30 目标:静冈市一年级,二年级 容量:10人 地点 : the centre for creative communications 3F 赞助:the centre for creative communications (CCC) 车间规划(学习计划):Non-profit organization Hexaproject 宣傳單張设计:Hexaproject.Ltd. 网页设计:Hexaproject.Ltd. 讲师:Miki Kobayashi (动漫作家) 门票 : 500日元 带来什么:饭盒,水壶
相关活动 标题:“让我们把动画中的糖果!”展 一天时间:2016年1月18日(星期一) - 2月13日(星期六) 地点 : the centre for creative communications (CCC) 门票 : 免费[:]
SOTA (SCHOOL OF THE ARTS SINGAPORE) overseas training programme / workshop
[:ja]日程: 2015年 10月 27日(火)- 28日(水)
参加者:SOTA (School of the Arts Singapore)ビジュアルアート専攻学生5名(15才)
主 催:SOTA (School of the Arts Singapore)
学校名: School of the Arts Singapore( SOTA)
約5年前から設立。シンガポール初の国立高等芸術専門学校として、6年間の優れた総合的な芸術と 13~ 18歳の青少年のための教育カリキュラムを提供し、全分野の芸術家や創造的専門家になる次世代を育てることに邁進している。
日 時:2015年10月27日(火)13:25-16:00
参加者:21名(静岡県立清水南高等学校美術専攻1年生)、5名(SOTA/School of the Arts Singapore)合計26名
会場:静岡県立清水南高等学校 (静岡県静岡市清水区折戸3丁目2-1)
講 師:岡本光市[:en]Schedule: 27-28 October 2015
participant: SOTA year 5, visual art major students (15 years old)
Venue: Shizuoka City,Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School
Cooperation: Shizuoka City Regional Industrial Division, the center for creative communications (CCC), Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School ,Shizuoka City Serizawa Keisuke Art Museum, Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshima Museum of Art
Workshop planning (learning programme) and a coordination: Non-profit organisation Hexaproject
Programme summary:
A talk and a workshop with the contemporary product designer who utilizes the Japanese traditional technic. This program is themed "Connect Japanese culture with 'Now' ", and is structured to suggest a hint for creating new things but still following a good old Japanese tradition. Mainly as activities aimed at people overseas. We first started the project at V&A, London in 2011, since then we have been working with craftsmen, artists and designers who carry on traditional technic to express at the present day such as Ukiyo-e (Edo period), Hariko (Papier-mache), ceramic, Japanese lacquer and dyeing. Moreover, the project is aimed to raise interests of design and products that meet the individual's lifestyle and to raise awareness of Japanese crafts culture in South Asia where the need of inheritance of traditional skills is increasing.
Designers or students who are fascinated by the traditional crafts, and want to make use of their own idea and design to work.
The School of the Arts (SOTA) is Singapore’s first national pre-tertiary specialised arts school with a six-year integrated arts and academic curriculum, leading to the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma or Career-related Programme, for youths aged 13 -18 years old.
With a vision to shape and impact society through an education in the arts, SOTA aims to identify and groom future generations of artists,
creative professionals to be leaders in all fields, and to be patrons and supporters of the arts.
concrete example
Title : "Making an object using Denguri-papers (Honeycomb papers)"
Date: 27 October 2015 13:25 - 16:00
Participant: 21 students (Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School) and 5 students (SOTA) [ total of 26 ]
The hall: Shizuoka prefectural Shimizu south high school (3-2-1, Orido, Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka-shi, Shizuoka-ken)
Cooperation: Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School
Workshop planning (learning programme) and a coordination: Non-profit organisation Hexaproject
Lecturer: Kouichi Okamoto
[:zh]日期:2015年10月27日 - 28天
陪老师1人:Hui Har Ong
地点:Shizuoka City,Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School
合作方式:Shizuoka City Regional Industrial Division, the center for creative communications (CCC), Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School ,Shizuoka City Serizawa Keisuke Art Museum, Shizuoka City Tokaido Hiroshima Museum of Art
车间规划(学习计划)座标:NPO Hexaproject
项目概述: 讲座和工作坊现代产品设计师和艺术家,利用日本的传统工艺。这个节目,“日本文化和”现在“连接”的主题,同时保护好老日本的传统,是一个讲座,研讨会还暗示,新的制造。主要表现为针对海外人士,从伦敦(V&A)于2011年推出的活动。后来,浮世绘,纸型,陶瓷,漆器的江户时代,我们是一起的艺术家和设计师合作,代表了现代技术,如染色。此外,该项目的目的是要和设计出符合个人的生活方式,在亚洲的产品利益,人们越来越需要对传统工艺技术的传承,加深他们对日本的制造业文化的兴趣你是。
目标受众: 要知道谁想要利用自己的想法和设计优势的魅力,设计师还是学生的手艺
关于SOTA (SCHOOL OF THE ARTS SINGAPORE ) 大约五年前成立。作为全国高等艺术学院的第一个新加坡,提供了全面的艺术和13-18岁的青春谁优于六年的教育课程,下一代成为艺术家和各领域的创意专业人士它正在努力成长。 www.sota.edu.sg
程序(例如) 标题:“使用成型生产蜂窝纸” 一天时间:2015年10月27日(星期二)13:25至16:00 参加人员:21人(小学一年级Shizuokakenritsushimizuminamikotogakko艺术专业),五(艺术新加坡SOTA /学校)共有26人 地点:Shizuoka City,Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School (静冈市清水区,下户3丁目2-1) 合作:Shizuoka City,Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School 车间规划(学习计划)座标:Non-profit organisation Hexaproject 讲师:Kouichi Okamoto [:]
项目概述: 讲座和工作坊现代产品设计师和艺术家,利用日本的传统工艺。这个节目,“日本文化和”现在“连接”的主题,同时保护好老日本的传统,是一个讲座,研讨会还暗示,新的制造。主要表现为针对海外人士,从伦敦(V&A)于2011年推出的活动。后来,浮世绘,纸型,陶瓷,漆器的江户时代,我们是一起的艺术家和设计师合作,代表了现代技术,如染色。此外,该项目的目的是要和设计出符合个人的生活方式,在亚洲的产品利益,人们越来越需要对传统工艺技术的传承,加深他们对日本的制造业文化的兴趣你是。
目标受众: 要知道谁想要利用自己的想法和设计优势的魅力,设计师还是学生的手艺
关于SOTA (SCHOOL OF THE ARTS SINGAPORE ) 大约五年前成立。作为全国高等艺术学院的第一个新加坡,提供了全面的艺术和13-18岁的青春谁优于六年的教育课程,下一代成为艺术家和各领域的创意专业人士它正在努力成长。 www.sota.edu.sg
程序(例如) 标题:“使用成型生产蜂窝纸” 一天时间:2015年10月27日(星期二)13:25至16:00 参加人员:21人(小学一年级Shizuokakenritsushimizuminamikotogakko艺术专业),五(艺术新加坡SOTA /学校)共有26人 地点:Shizuoka City,Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School (静冈市清水区,下户3丁目2-1) 合作:Shizuoka City,Shizuoka Prefectural Shimizu Minami High School 车间规划(学习计划)座标:Non-profit organisation Hexaproject 讲师:Kouichi Okamoto [:]