“the darkroom” Exhibition Programme3
An audio-visual installation of short films, music videos, commercial work and more from 5 creatives of the darkroom, the experimental arm of Partizan.
The Darkroom a division of Partizan production company, which has offices all over the world. With the advancement of technology, it brings forth new ways of communicating a brand's message with film production. Chris Cairns, Saam Farahmand, Ollie Evans are just a few of the experimental creatives in it's roster of creatives.
the darkroom
The Darkroom a division of Partizan production company, which has offices all over the world. With the advancement of technology, it brings forth new ways of communicating a brand's message with film production. Chris Cairns, Saam Farmhand, Ollie Evans are just a few of the experimental creatives in it's roster of creatives.
Term: 3 July - 7 August 2010 10:00 -20:30
Venue: Venue: the center for creative communications (CCC)
Participating artist: Saam Farahmand, Chris Cairns, Max Hattler, Poppy de Villeneuve, Timothy Saccenti
Admission fee: No charge (Limited to the first 100 people to register)
ccc ad-fest – International Advertising’s Front Line
Creativity itself is constantly breaking new ground in part due to the great changes today with the progress of technology and changing media. And advertising on the forefront of this new wave can be seen in international award shows such as the Cannes Lions. In search for a hint to break the current stagnation of Japan’s advertising business, CCC will present screenings and an exhibition of the latest commercial and promotional work. Also we have invited 4 of the UK”s top creatives to participate as we search for creative strategy and new paths in promotional communications.
Term: 2010.07.03(Sat) - 08.07(Sat)
Venue: the center for creative communications (CCC)
Organizer: the center for creative communications (CCC)
Co-organizers: Shizuoka City Industry-University Exchange Center (B-nest), Shizuoka Contents Valley Consortium (SCV)
Co-Sponsors: IVC Inc., ACIC Ltd. Co., amcrew inc., SBS Solutions Inc., Daiwa Ad Inc., Bergman Inc. (Japanese phonetical order.)
Cooperation: APA (Advertising Producers Association), DIESEL DENIM GALLERY AOYAMA, MW Company, Partizan, shots, Stink, NPO Hexaproject )
Support: Shizuoka Asahi Television, Shizuoka Shimbun and Shizuoka Broadcasting System, Shizuoka Daiichi Television, Shizuoka Telecasting Co. Ltd., Shizuoka Advertising Association, Shizuoka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Japan Broadcasting Corporation-Shizuoka (Japanese phonetical order.)
Exhibition planning (producing/curation): Hexaproject Ltd.
Coordination: Hexaproject London Limited
Poster & flyer design: Hexaproject Ltd.
Web design: Hexaproject.Ltd.
Admission fee: No charge
Opening Reception
Term: 30 July 2010
Place: DEAMS FLEX-MUNCHEN (invitation only)
Screenings & Seminars
Term: 31 July - 1 August 2010
Place: the center for creative communications (CCC)
Term: 3 July - 7 August 2010
Place: the center for creative communications (CCC)
「Asian Creative Culture」programme 1 exhibition (a part of Asia Design Conference)
Term: 3 July - 7 August 2010 10:00-20:30
Venue: the center for creative communications (CCC)
Participating artist: Gino Woo (Woog) (Shanghai), Laurence Ng (Hong Kong), Daisung Kim (South Korea), Eric Chen (Taiwan), Jackson Tan (Singapore), Ng Si Juan (Malaysia), Koichi Okamoto (Japan/Shizuoka)
Admission fee: No charge
Website: http://www.c-c-c.or.jp/past/2010/adc2010/exhibition.html
Introduction of Exhibits:
Singapore “Shiok! A Gastronomy of Singapore Design"
Malaysia “Insight”
South Korea “Objects (or Things) Things Ask Humans for Reasons of Their Existence”
Shanghai “Residuum Unknown”
Taiwan “POST: Taiwan Design in Pop Culture”
CCC(Japan) “130,000,00→6,800,000,000”
Makoto Azuma Artist Talk (as part of “armored pine exhibition” event2)
Gallery talk by flower artist, Azuma Makoto and "AMNP" (Azuma Makoto Newspaper) chief editor, Koganezawa Satoshi. Talkshow through the perspective of Koganezawa, who specializes in Japanese modern art history, about his thoughts on Azuma's Matsu, secrets behind the "armored pine," and similarities with Hasegawa Tōhaku's "Shourinzu Byoubu."
Term: 13 March 2010 14:00-15:00
Venue: Pola Museum Annex (3F Pola Ginza building, 1-7-7, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061,JAPAN )061,JAPAN)
Supported by: Higashinoki
Exhibition planning: Hexaproject Ltd.
Spatial Design: HexaProject.ltd
Poster & flyer design: Hexaproject Ltd.
Web design: Hexaproject Ltd.
Lecturer: Makoto Azuma (Flower Artist) Satoshi Koganezawa (Critics of Japanese contemporary art)
Admission fee: No charge (Limited to the first 30 people to register.)
(日本語) 「家康が愛したお茶ノ会」第二部 熟成本山茶の呈茶会(「armored pine」鎧松‐東信展関連企画1)
(日本語) 現代の感性で楽しむアート空間での熟成本山茶の呈茶体験。八百年の時を今に刻む静岡本山茶。晩年を駿府で暮らした徳川家康は、春に採れたお茶を井川大日峠の御茶壷屋敷の蔵で保管し、香りが増す晩秋になってから城に運ばせ、賞味したといいます。 家康が愛したお茶を現代に再現したお茶がこの熟成本山茶です。
日 時:2010 年2 月27 日(土) 一回目/11:00~13:00 二回目/14:00~16:00 ※各回ともお茶が無くなり次第終了
会 場:ポーラ ミュージアム アネックス(〒104-0061 中央区銀座1-7-7 ポーラ銀座ビル3 階)
主 催:株式会社ポーラ・オルビス ホールディングス
デモンストレーション:横山大山(煎茶道 静山流家元)
参加費: 無料/事前予約不要
(日本語) 「家康が愛したお茶ノ会」第一部 鎧松×熟成本山茶の饗宴(「armored pine」鎧松‐東信展関連企画1)
(日本語) 現代アート空間で行う家康が愛した熟成本山茶の口切の儀。かつて江戸時代初期、大御所として駿府城に居住していた徳川家康公は、静岡本山茶の深い味わいをこよなく愛したといいます。家康公は標高1,167mの井川大日峠にお茶壷屋敷を設け、そこでお茶を保管しました。当時は、春に摘んだお茶を茶壷に詰め、高冷地でじっくりと熟成させ、秋に駿府城に運ばせ、茶壷を開封し、熟成した深い味わいのお茶の風味を愉しまれました。この、秋に茶壷の口紙を切り、お茶を取り出す儀式を「口切りの儀」といいます。茶壷の封が切られ、「熟成本山茶」固有の芳香が、厳かなギャラリーの空間に漂います。
日 時:2010年2月27日(土)
会 場:ポーラ ミュージアム アネックス(〒104-0061 中央区銀座1-7-7 ポーラ銀座ビル3 階)
主 催:株式会社ポーラ・オルビス ホールディングス
デモンストレーション:横山大山(煎茶道 静山流家元)
参加費: 無料
Co-festa official event, Japan Creators Festa “Tokyo Contents Market 2009”
The eighth "TCM" is "a trade fair for creators" of various original content such as anime, games, CG, films, and characters and is the official event of "Japan International Contents Festival" that matches the scale of large events such as TIFFCOM, Tokyo Game Show, or the Tokyo International Film Festival. Hosted together with "Licensing Asia 2009." For the 2009 event, Hexaproject Inc. was selected as one of the 80 exhibitors out of 143 entries, and introduced character animation work by Miki Kobayashi (animation director), as well as other manga-related content.
Date : 14 - 16 October 2009, 14th&15th 10:00 - 18:00, 16th 10:00 - 17:00 Venue : TOKYO BIG SIGHT, East 1 hall In conjunction with Licensing Asia 2009 Organiser : Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Co-planning : TIFFCOM2009 ~ Marketplace for Film & TV in Asia Cooperation : Shutoken-Joho Venture Forum Supported by : Digital Content Association of Japan, Association of Media in Digital, Computer Graphic Arts Society
Date : 14 - 16 October 2009, 14th&15th 10:00 - 18:00, 16th 10:00 - 17:00 Venue : TOKYO BIG SIGHT, East 1 hall In conjunction with Licensing Asia 2009 Organiser : Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Co-planning : TIFFCOM2009 ~ Marketplace for Film & TV in Asia Cooperation : Shutoken-Joho Venture Forum Supported by : Digital Content Association of Japan, Association of Media in Digital, Computer Graphic Arts Society
Creative talk show “Why Dovai?” (As part of the exhibition “Manga boy Dovai”)
Date : 18 September 2009, 18:30 - 20:00
Limited to the first 80 people to register
Venue : CCC (the center for creative communications), presentation room 3F
Organiser : CCC (the center for creative communications)
Cooperation : Saruyama Hagenosuke Inc.
Planning: Shiriagari Kotobuki, Tanaka Katsuki, Amahisa Masakazu, Kawai Katsuo, Nakao Kenichiro
Co-planning & Coordination: Hexaproject Ltd.
Participating Artist : Shiriagari Kotobuki, Tanaka Katsuki, Amahisa Masakazu, Kawai Katsuo, Nakao Kenichiro (tbc)
Facilitator : Hisami Omori (CCC Crator)
Admission fee : No Charge
“Manga Boy Dovai” Opening reception (As part of the exhibition “Manga boy Dovai”)
Date : 18 September 2009, 20:00 - 21:00
Venue : CCC (the center for creative communications) 3F
Organiser : CCC (the center for creative communications)
Cooperation : Saruyama Hagenosuke Inc.
Planning : Shiriagari Kotobuki, Tanaka Katsuki, Amahisa Masakazu, Kawai Katsuo, Nakao Kenichiro
Co-planning & coordination : Hexaproject London Limited
Participating Artist : Shiriagari Kotobuki, Tanaka Katsuki, Amahisa Masakazu, Kawai Katsuo, Nakao Kenichiro (tbc)
Admission fee : 500Yen (reservation needed)
Creative workshop “F-CUT LIVE! AT CCC” (As part of the exhibition “FREITAG -MORE THAN A BAG”)
Date : 30 May 2009, 10:00 - 20:00 *schedule for several hours in this time period.
Limited to the first 20 people to register
Venue : CCC (the center for creative communications)
Organiser : CCC (the center for creative communications)
Planning : Hexaproject Ltd.
Cooperation : JykK Japan Inc.
Poster & Flyer design : so+ba http://www.so-ba.cc
Lecturer : FREITAG Japan Distributor, JykK Japan Inc.
Admission fee: 32,000Yen (includes materials and shipping)
Registration starts on 1 May from 10:00 at CCC (open from 10:00 till 20:30, Mon - Sat)
*Registration can only be made in person at CCC