“Manga Boy Dovai” Opening reception (As part of the exhibition “Manga boy Dovai”)

Date : 18 September 2009, 20:00 – 21:00
Venue : CCC (the center for creative communications) 3F
Organiser : CCC (the center for creative communications)
Cooperation : Saruyama Hagenosuke Inc.
Planning : Shiriagari Kotobuki, Tanaka Katsuki, Amahisa Masakazu, Kawai Katsuo, Nakao Kenichiro
Co-planning & coordination : Hexaproject London Limited
Participating Artist : Shiriagari Kotobuki, Tanaka Katsuki, Amahisa Masakazu, Kawai Katsuo, Nakao Kenichiro (tbc)
Admission fee : 500Yen (reservation needed)
