Title movie:
Title movie:
Over the past 10 years the design scene in Asia has changed greatly. Countries have placed emphasis on the creative industries in efforts to improve their economies and in places such as Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok and Taipei large international design events are taking place. But in Shizuoka the attitude towards design value in business and recognition of design is still rather low. We will present seminars and an exhibition featuring top curators/creatives from Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Malaysia. What is happening in design scenes in other countries? From the multiple non-Western viewpoints of Asia we can see what’s happening across the globe and give thought to how the design scene in Shizuoka can shine more brightly.
Term: 29 October – 11 December 2010
Venue: the center for creative communications (CCC) 1F,2F, 3F
Organizer : the center for creative communications
Co-organizers:Shizuoka City Industry-University Exchange Center (B-nest),Shizuoka Contents Valley Consortium (SCV)
Co-Sponsors:IVC Inc., ACIC Ltd. Co., amcrew inc., SSB Solutions Inc., Daiwa Ad Inc., Bergman Inc., Roland D.G. Corporation
Cooperation:NPO Hexaproject, MW Company
Support:Shizuoka Asahi Television, Shizuoka Shimbun and Shizuoka Broadcasting System, Shizuoka Daiichi Television, Shizuoka Telecasting Co. Ltd., Shizuoka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Japan Broadcasting Corporation-Shizuoka (Japanese phonetical order)
Exhibition planning (producing/curation): Hexaproject Ltd.
Coordinator: Hexaproject Ltd.
Poster & flyer design: Hexaproject Ltd.
Web design: Hexaproject.Ltd.
Video produce: Hexaproject.Ltd.
Participating artist:Gino Woo (Woog) (Shanghai), Laurence Ng (Hong Kong), Daisung Kim (South Korea), Eric Chen (Taiwan), Jackson Tan (Singapore), Ng Si Juan (Malaysia), Koichi Okamoto (Japan/Shizuoka)
Opening Reception
Term: 29 October 2010 19:00–21:00
Venue: Fugetsuro (Invitation Only)
Term: 29 October – 11 December 2010 10:00–20:30
Venue: the center for creative communications (CCC)
Term: 30 October – 31 October 2010
Venue: Venue:Presentation Room at CCC